Friday, December 12, 2008

Doll Party!

Katherine and Sophia dive into the cupcakes...even the dolls had little taste!
The girls had fun making bracelets and putting them in their party favor boxes. Lauren and I had filled the boxes with mini gummy bears, tiny gum balls, stickers and anything else we could find in miniture doll sizes.

Macee having her doll's lemonade, yum!

Time to open presents...thanks for all the fun stuff!!

A before picture...

making bracelets for pretty girls and their dolls!

It never looks quite as cute in the picture, but I was so proud!! after picture :)


Anonymous said...

Yay! The doll party was a success. I know what you mean about the cupcakes not looking as good in the pictures, it's the same thing with Paisley. I just made myself laugh. Love you

Emilyyy said...

that was the best looks like all the girls had a blast!

Haley said...

It's about time you posted! Happy Birthday Lauren! The doll party was such a cute idea. I love the favors and the cupcakes. So fun!

Megan said...

That looks like such a fun party! You are just so super creative!!
And your girls are beautiful:)

Deanna said...

You are such a fun mom! I am so impressed with your creativity. I miss you.

Jennifer said...

It looks like it was a very successful party! How much fun!