Thursday, May 14, 2009

Highlights from our recent history...

Making slime with Brady & Drew

Cheesecake Factory with Papa and Kim
Visiting the "Papa bear" upstairs.

President's Day cupcakes

S's first day of Preschool with Ms. Ploy.


Thompsontown said...

Those President's Day cupcakes looks like so much fun.

Rivka said...

I'm so glad to see you havent' actually fallen off the face of the earth! Every time I take a three month break from blogging it's because I'm preggers. Any news?

Cordell and McCall said...

Glad to see an update! How are you? I love all the pics!! Cute family!! It would be great to touch base with you and catch up!!

melissa said...

I was about to file a missing persons report (Im not kidding!). So exciting to see you all are well!